Phone number: 484.320.8608


Chemicals & Manufacturing

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Get Control of Your Emissions Control System

Meeting NOx, CO, and VOC emissions limits on chemical and manufacturing processes can take the focus off your core business if the SCR system and/or oxidation catalyst is not performing reliably.  Environex’s 30+ years of experience can be leveraged to ensure that your emissions control system does not become the tail wagging the dog.  

Performance FactorsPerformance Factors

Performance Factors

SCR and CO/VOC catalyst system performance is affected by numerous factors, including fuel borne catalyst poisons, catalyst sizing and formulation, reagent injection system design, and variations in operating temperature and exhaust flow. Environex has a thorough understanding of how these factors influence each other and overall emissions control system performance.  We can identify and quantify the risk factors for your system and develop a plan to mitigate them so that an emissions issue does not affect your bottom line.  



Environex’s chemicals and manufacturing experience includes SCR and CO/VOC systems on ammonia/urea synthesis processes, steel manufacturing lines, nitric acid production facilities, ethylene and ethane cracking units, pyrolysis heaters, pulp and paper mills, and food processing applications.  We help our chemicals and manufacturing customers with:

Root Cause InvestigationsRoot Cause Investigations
Root Cause Investigations

These investigations identify the root cause(s) of SCR/CO system non-performance and the options available to create a reliable system.  We identify all viable fix options and evaluate them to determine the best path forward to ensure reliable emissions performance while minimizing lifecycle operating costs for the catalyst system. 

Catalyst Life ProjectionsCatalyst Life Projections

Catalyst Life Projections

Our SCR and CO/VOC catalyst testing and system evaluation services pinpoint when a catalyst will need to be replaced so that you can budget and schedule appropriately.  In many cases, it is possible to extend catalyst life with proper maintenance or the mitigation of deactivation mechanisms.

Failure AnalysisFailure Analysis

Failure Analysis

if your emissions control catalyst failed prematurely, we can determine the source and develop a plan to make sure the same mistake is not repeated.  An alternate catalyst formulation or design, change in operating procedure, or elimination of deactivation mechanisms could be the answer to your problem.  

Catalyst Replacement ServicesCatalyst Replacement Services
Catalyst Replacement Services

Once the cause(s) of catalyst deactivation for a system are known, it is often possible to improve performance and reliability by installing a catalyst design and formulation that are optimized for your system’s unique needs.  Our independent perspective and extensive catalyst testing database give us the resources to specify and select the best SCR or CO/VOC catalyst for your system.