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AIG Tuning - Featured

Ammonia Injection Grid (AIG) Tuning

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Properly Tuned AIGs Reduce Compliance Risks and Operating CostsProperly Tuned AIGs Reduce Compliance Risks and Operating Costs
Properly Tuned AIGs Reduce Compliance Risks and Operating Costs

SCR systems are designed to operate within tight tolerances for the distribution of ammonia-to-NOx at the inlet to the SCR catalyst. Operation outside of the allowable tolerances increases ammonia consumption, ammonia slip and stack NOx emissions, and total system backpressure (due to downstream ammonia salt formation). On top of that, it also reduces the effective life of your SCR catalyst. Ammonia Injection Grid Tuning with Environex helps you:

  • Reduce ammonia slip and stack NOx emissions
  • Reduce ammonia consumption
  • Reduce downstream ammonia salt formation and the associated backpressure and cleaning costs
  • Extend the effective life of your SCR catalyst
  • Reduce lifetime emissions control operating costs
Reduce VariabilityReduce Variability

Reduce Variability

Sub-optimal ammonia-to-NOx distribution can be the result of flaws in the system design, changes in plant operating profile, plugging of AIG nozzles or other system maintenance issues, changes in combustion dynamics, or the gradual degradation of SCR system components over time. The goal of AIG tuning is to reduce variability in ammonia-to-NOx distribution to the greatest extent allowed by the system design. This is achieved by balancing the flow through the ammonia distribution valves to carefully match ammonia distribution to the SCR inlet NOx profile. Environex has a proven track record of successfully tuning ammonia injection grids to reduce ammonia slip and ammonia consumption.

AIG Tuning with Environex has reduced stack NOx and ammonia slip emissions as much as 50% and ammonia consumption by up to 25%.

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